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Investigating the Challenges of Access to Justice for All People




4 weeks

About the Course

This four-week workshop will explore the issues that prevent equal access to justice for all people. Participants will be able to develop an understanding of the challenges faced by individuals in different socio-economic, political, and cultural contexts. Through interactive activities and discussions, the workshop will examine how different socio-economic and cultural backgrounds impact justice access and how this can be addressed through systemic change and reform. The workshop will also cover the history of access to justice and the current challenges faced by people seeking justice. In addition, participants will be able to explore innovative solutions to existing issues and develop a plan to take action.

By the end of the workshop, students will have a greater understanding of the complexity of access to justice and the systemic challenges that must be faced in order to ensure everyone has access to justice. They will be equipped with the knowledge and tools to identify and act on justice issues in their own communities. Furthermore, they will be empowered to take their understanding of justice access and apply it to their everyday lives and work. This is an invaluable opportunity for students to become engaged in and equip themselves with the skills to make a difference for all people.

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